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Education and Prevention

This committee addresses the ongoing need to provide up-to-date information and education about behavioral health to all stakeholders. Ensuring that content is easy to understand and accurate is a priority.

There are no upcoming meetings scheduled at this time.

Actionable Goals

  • Develop and promote strategies for Delaware schools and pediatricians to coordinate and conduct universal mental health prescreenings and referral processes for youth ages 10 to 13.
  • Promote and support behavioral health prevention and education campaigns.
  • Provide education on and advocate for the use of nonpharmacological pain management strategies.


Rebecca King


Sandra Syglowski


Accomplishments to Date

Conducted surveys in industries where substance use is high, to engage and educate industry employers.

Identified and assessed mental health resources for Delaware children and adolescents and looked for alignment among agencies to identify gaps in the state that should be filled.

Recommended potential agency alignment and gaps to address.

Conducted a school survey and a pediatric care survey.

Addressed the substance use disorder concerns of the restaurant and construction industries.

Supported the Addiction Action Committee in the formation of a new group to develop formal education/prevention outreach and messaging on marijuana and today’s THC levels.

Promoted the “1 Pill Can Kill” campaign statewide.

Promoted National Fentanyl Awareness Day, encouraging parents to speak to their children, with the goal of reducing overdoses.

Promoted nonpharmacological treatments for pain management resources to prevent opioid and substance use.