We Are Delaware’s Behavioral Health Catalyst
The Behavioral Health Consortium (BHC) identifies and links every individual and organization in our state engaged in addressing behavioral health challenges, encouraging and empowering them to develop strategies that save lives and expand access to treatment.
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Established in 2017
The BHC is an advisory body that comprises community advocates, law enforcement, health care professionals, and state leaders. The formation of the Delaware BHC was first proposed by Gov. John Carney in his Action Plan for Delaware. The goal was to tackle Delaware’s challenging and complex issues around addiction and mental health. The Action Plan was signed into law on July 16, 2017, and the first meeting was held in October 2017.
More About the BHC and Its MembersMonthly Meetings
The BHC meets monthly and invites stakeholders, members of the public, and relevant agencies. The goal is to obtain valued input from both experts and those with real-world experience.
BHC committees offer ongoing opportunities for organizations and individuals dedicated to behavioral health in Delaware to use their talents and knowledge to lead change. Each committee page provides information about goals and current members.
The Prescription Opioid Settlement Distribution Commission
Learn MoreMore information at https://deopioidsettlementfunds.org/
CommitteeAccess and Treatment
Learn MoreNo upcoming meetings currently scheduled.
CommitteeChanging Perceptions and Stigma
Learn MoreNo upcoming meetings currently scheduled.
CommitteeCorrections and Law Enforcement
Learn MoreNo upcoming meetings currently scheduled.
CommitteeData and Policy
Learn MoreNo upcoming meetings currently scheduled.
CommitteeEducation and Prevention
Learn MoreNo upcoming meetings currently scheduled.
CommitteeFamily and Community Readiness
Learn MoreNo upcoming meetings currently scheduled.
“Across Delaware and the nation, we’ve seen a significant rise in the need for mental health treatment and services. Through the Behavioral Health Consortium, we are working together to break down silos and find solutions for Delawareans struggling with mental illness or a substance use disorder. The emotional well-being of our families depends on it.”

Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long, PhD, RN
Chair, Behavioral Health Consortium

Learn About Our Efforts to Address the Opioid Crisis
The Prescription Opioid Settlement Distribution Commission (POSDC) provides funding recommendations to the Behavioral Health Consortium (BHC) to abate and remediate Delaware’s opioid crisis. The recommendations must be evidence-based to maximize opportunities to implement effective treatment intervention, recovery support, and prevention services.
The purpose of the POSDC is to help the state of Delaware combat the opioid epidemic through financial support from the “Opioid Funds,” in the form of grant awards for efforts to treat, prevent, and reduce opioid use disorder and the misuse of opioids.
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