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Corrections and Law Enforcement

This committee produces recommendations and collaborates with stakeholders to promote an effective and sustainable corrections and law enforcement (CLE) system that meets the needs of individuals experiencing behavioral health issues.

Next meeting:

Wed Jan. 22, 2025

  • To Be Announced

Actionable Goals

  • Employ a data-driven approach to improve outcomes on CLE-related areas.
  • Employ a crisis intervention team (CIT), a psychological distress profile (PDP), and other resources that enable an effective response to individuals with behavioral health needs.
  • Establish access to behavioral health services for incarcerated individuals, as well as a connection to services during their transition after incarceration.


Dr. Debra Mason


Chuck Sawchenko


Accomplishments to Date

Embedded law enforcement drug-diversion programs in several state agencies throughout Delaware.
Assessed the current availability of behavioral and mental health wraparound services for those leaving incarceration, to identify assets and gaps.
Achieved approval of Medicaid suspension rather than loss for those incarcerated, with Medicaid reinstatement upon release.
Promoted and achieved the expansion of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) within the Department of Corrections (DOC).
Promoted Mental Health Association peer support specialists in three DOC facilities.

Examined the drug diversion program and the sentencing for individuals with behavioral health diagnoses, to explore treatment versus prison time. Several programs within law enforcement are underway, enabling behavioral health workers to join law enforcement teams.

Supported crisis intervention training and other community interventions so that first responders can effectively respond to and support those experiencing a mental health crisis — promoting safety and appropriate referrals.
Examined crisis response initiatives and advocated for a more inclusive system to address individuals who are in crisis and in need of specialty supports.

Standardized post-prison discharge treatment and wraparound services as a bridge to society, including transitional housing.

Supported Executive Order 27 (Governor) and established the Delaware Correctional Reentry Commission.